

Currently, it’s a small team but the goal is to empower, grow, and employ community members to progress the philosophy, access, and services of the WheelHouse.

Robert Giachino

Occupational Therapist B.Sc.(OT)

Owner & Founder of the South Okanagan WheelHouse Society

Avid Cyclist, Outdoor Enthusiast, and an Autonomy Builder

Brett Needham


Brett brings a breadth of experience working with people on the spectrum and a particular interest in trauma informed care to her work with kids & teens.

The WheelHouses’ first ever Teen-Mechanic

Congratulations to JD on his accomplishment of becoming the first WheelHouse teen-mechanic. And a BIG THANK YOU for your commitment and support of the WheelHouse events during the summer of 2022 and beyond.

The WheelHouse has trained 14 Teen Mechanics so far since March 2022.

Thank you for your growing support of our programs

They will be ready to support the Bench Sessions and other programs this year.

Mobile Bike Maintenance

Supporting the WheelHouse events with a one-of-a-kind custom-made Mobile Bike Maintenance rig.

Able to access local markets and events using only 2 wheels (plus a trailer) and some leg muscles!!

Always a Beautiful way to Spend a Day in the Sun and Fresh Air of the Okanagan Valley